Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Palia Winterlights Festival, part 1

I apologize for not making a post about the Halloween stuff in Palia, but it was really just some Jack-o'-lanterns and pay to own costumes, and that's it.  Nothing went down for Thanksgiving either.  But the winter holidays, they're special, and Palia is trying to give them their due.  The intent is definitely there, but the execution needs tweaking.

For starters, Jina gives you a tree, and a quest to get ornaments from every villager except Zeki, he's got his own separate thing.  You light a candle with each villager, hear their hopes and dreams, even the dog, Tau.  You only have to talk to 8 for quest completion, but for maximum tree ornaments, talk to every bloody villager.  When I was done, I had a stack of candles, a stack of gold balls, a stack of wooden ornaments, and a stack of gold bells.  I also had a new candelabra for the dining table.  None of these candles can be lit, strangely enough.  Every other candle in the game can be lit, but not these new ones.

The second half of this festive patch content is from Zeki, the grimalkin shop owner.  His people do things a little differently, so he's hidden 7 presents in and around Killima Village.  You have a riddle for each one's location, but I just followed the guide on the wiki.  Either way, still had some fun.  After his scavenger hunt, I had 2 festive wreaths, 2 festive plates, a wall hanging of snowflakes, a wall hanging of stockings, and a tree topper for the tree from the first part!  Here's where I ran into more issues.  If you put your tree in any room in your house other than the first room, the topper is too tall to fit on your tree.  So, I stuck a bell on top and stuck their elaborate tree topper into storage.  Another thing, that I think we were warned about in the patch notes, you can't hang the stockings on the fireplace like in the preview picture.  You can only hang them on a blank wall space.

I want to point out that every single Winterlights Festival item was handed to me free of charge, I didn't have to spend a single gold piece on any of it.  After the first summer festival was insanely expensive, I'm kinda relieved.  And not only are the items free, so are their recipes, so you can make more of everything yourself.  This event feels like a present, not like a job.  I appreciate that.  So yeah, a few bits feel off, and they may be corrected in the next content patch, but um... Not perfect.  B+  8/10 so close...

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