Friday, December 8, 2023

Palia Winterlights Festival, part 2

Much to everyone's surprise, though it makes a lot of logical sense, Singularity 6 pushed their second content patch for December through 2 days after the first one.  I mean, it makes sense, get the work done early so you can take a winter holiday, I get it.  I do hope they hotfix some shit before they go on vacation, but I don't blame them for trying to leave early.  They've been working nonstop since August, with content patches every 2 weeks and new outfits in the cash shop every time too, and hotfixes after every single patch.  They deserve a break.  I just really hope they put out one more hotfix patch before they call it until January.


So, the big second patch dropped, and what came with it?  The holiday vendor was finally updated, with leaf piles, snow piles, and fake gifts for decorating with.  I don't know why the leaf piles came in winter, instead of fall, but better late then never, I'll use them next year.

What else?  Snowballs?  Nope, they didn't make it into the holiday vendor shop.  So, as a freebie, the devs mailed us each 100 free snowballs.  Unfortunately, they take up 10 times more space than usual ammo.

What else?  A whole new temple to find and explore!  If the starter quest isn't bugged for you.  It's bugged for me.  Some people have made it in, only to find the wall climbing parts are bugged inside the temple.  So, gonna forget the temple for now.

 Anything else that affects me?  Yes, palium nodes now share spawn points with iron nodes, so they're all over the second map, instead of just in two small places.  I actually got my first palium today!  Made my first palium bar.  I need a LOT, but it's a start.  Also, they cut the price on the last inventory upgrades, in half!  So I might actually someday have my last bar of inventory space.

 Is this enough for me?  Yeah, I think it is.  Now that I've finally SEEN some palium, it feels a lot more reasonable to go hunting for it.  Plus lowering the prices of higher end storage solutions gives me more attainable goals to work for.  So these changes alone have really opened doors for me in this game.  Do the new outfits look Christmassy?  No, not particularly, but I'll get a few.  Gotta throw some cash their way sometimes.  I wish their fashions were a little more traditional and less weird, but it's fine, I'll make do.

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