Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Palia's First Big Character Customization Update!

Beards are here!  Everyone rejoice!  Also, they added half a dozen paler skintones, so I no longer have that Beta Tan most people picked at launch.  New eye colors look fantastic!  I love these new glasses.  There's a bunch of new hairstyles too, but I'll prolly stick to my favorite pigtails.  They seem to have tripled the number of face shapes, but this one I've been using is till the chubbiest, so it stays.

Face shape, skin tone, eye color, and body type are only changeable once a week, but hair, makeup, beards, can all be changed like clothes, as often as you want.  I understand why they put the week long cool down on changing your face, it might be a drag on the servers otherwise.  People need to commit to something.

I'm thrilled!  Is the character creator perfect?  No, because I still can't be chubby, but these are all steps in the right direction.

This is my original look from the closed beta.  The only chubby face, the only green eyes, and my skin was what I called "Beta Tan."  From launch, Beta Tan was the lightest skin tone.  These are not the default glasses though, they came with an outfit I bought.

Here's the new me!  Same face model, though I tried them all, but a much paler skin tone, they added over half a dozen more.  I also changed my eye color, it's a newer green that looks less weird.  I'm also rocking some of the new complimentary glasses and a dark brown hair color.  I will also rock a Riker beard when I feel like it, as seen up top.

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