Sunday, November 5, 2023

Fashion Dreamer Review part 2

Okay, I've gone through the five stages of grief, and I'm starting to enjoy Fashion Dreamer for what it is.  I accept that this is totally not Style Savvy, and is largely an online multiplayer experience.

The next day, after being very upset and logging off, I logged back on to try again, and was surprised to find many player likes and some free outfits!  I had no idea that while I was offline, my little muse was still working in other people's games, promoting her clothes and getting some makeovers.  This changes everything for me.  If I'm getting income while I'm offline, I don't have to grind nearly as hard as I thought!

Also, this morning I got news that Fashion Dreamer is going to be getting complimentary content updates.  Free DLC.  And they're working on improving the UI based on player feedback.  This is excellent news!  This was s $50 game, I didn't wanna pay more for whatever comes next.  So yeah, I'm on board the Fashion Dreamer train now.  Choo choo!

Some tips I'd recommend for Style Savvy vets like myself: 

1. Watch let's plays of Fashion Dreamer by people who haven't played Style Savvy.  Their fresh eyes can help you see things you may have missed looking for Style Savvy.

2.  Take lots of photos and selfies.  I try to take a group photo with every person I give a makeover, called a Lookit, to.  This doubles your earnings on each Lookit you complete.  Sometimes the photo gets more followers than the Lookit.  So definitely get in the habit of photographing everybody.

3. Put some shit in your showroom.  Don't leave it empty.  Dress up two mannequins, preferably in clothes you've made yourself, and set the show room to open.  This is another way the game rakes in points for you while you're not logged in!

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