Monday, June 24, 2024

Eden Eternal

Another very old anime MMO has made a recent comeback.  Eden Eternal was created by X-Legend and was originally hosted for the Western hemisphere by Aeria Games starting in 2011.  Aeria Games got bought by Gamigo Games, and they eventually shut down Eden Eternal in 2021.

X-Legend got their game back and launched their own server last year, in 2023.  This is the version I'm playing now.  Because of the gap in service, accounts from Aeria Games were not transferable like Aura Kingdoms, but they offered a good amount of new account rewards to help players start over.

Eden Eternal is incredibly cute.  The color palette is very light and vibrant, and the characters and monsters are all pretty cute.  There are 5 playable races, human, halfling (chibi human), bear, mouse, and frog people.  Only humans and halflings can be female though, beast races are gender locked to male.  There are a TON of classes, and you can unlock and level all of them on the same character.  Base classes include warrior, rogue, hunter, magician, and cleric. 

I made a female human magician, because I like casting spells and I wanted the most cute costume options.  Glasses are not available with character creation, but they're a quest reward pretty early on.

Leveling is pretty straight forward.  You do quests in each zone, then move onto the next.  Some quest chains come in books bought from a general vendor in town.  Yellow and  blue quests are your main quests.  Green quests are repeatable each day.  Gray quests no longer give you XP, but you can still complete them for other rewards like tokens to spend on outfit dyes.  Oh!  Class outfit dyes are super cheap before level 15, so I recommend you swap classes in the starter town a bunch and change all of them to your favorite color.  Dyes get very expensive after level 15, so don't forget to do this.  Unfortunately, I didn't think of it and I did not do it. T_T

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