Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Palia's First Big Character Customization Update!

Beards are here!  Everyone rejoice!  Also, they added half a dozen paler skintones, so I no longer have that Beta Tan most people picked at launch.  New eye colors look fantastic!  I love these new glasses.  There's a bunch of new hairstyles too, but I'll prolly stick to my favorite pigtails.  They seem to have tripled the number of face shapes, but this one I've been using is till the chubbiest, so it stays.

Face shape, skin tone, eye color, and body type are only changeable once a week, but hair, makeup, beards, can all be changed like clothes, as often as you want.  I understand why they put the week long cool down on changing your face, it might be a drag on the servers otherwise.  People need to commit to something.

I'm thrilled!  Is the character creator perfect?  No, because I still can't be chubby, but these are all steps in the right direction.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Fashion Dreamer Review part 2

Okay, I've gone through the five stages of grief, and I'm starting to enjoy Fashion Dreamer for what it is.  I accept that this is totally not Style Savvy, and is largely an online multiplayer experience.

The next day, after being very upset and logging off, I logged back on to try again, and was surprised to find many player likes and some free outfits!  I had no idea that while I was offline, my little muse was still working in other people's games, promoting her clothes and getting some makeovers.  This changes everything for me.  If I'm getting income while I'm offline, I don't have to grind nearly as hard as I thought!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Fashion Dreamer Review

Fashion Dreamer is an online multiplayer dress up game for the Nintendo Switch.  If you don't have reliable wi-fi, you're gonna have a bad time.  Also, it has no story, and is grind-tastic.  If you were looking for a Style Savvy successor, you will be disappointed, like me.

You start in a single player tutorial.  You make your first character (you get 3 more after the tutorial).  This game features the option to play a masculine character, but be warned, most of the clothes are gender locked.  Masculine characters can have long hair and wear makeup, but they cannot wear dresses at the time of this review.  The feminine body category has 9 presets to choose from, but it mainly just adjusts height.  You can be very tall or very short in this game.  There are a good variety of skintones and a few hairstyles with different hair textures, but not a lot.  The eye range is limited and weird.  Makeup is limited at the beginning too.  But, as an added bonus, women can have beards and mustaches.  This may have been an error, but I'll take it.  

After you agonize over your first character, you get dumped into a 45 minute tutorial, talking to strange non-player characters, and giving your best guess at what they want.  Some will give you a clue, like a favorite color or wished for item, others give you nothing and you just have to guess.  When you finish the tutorial, it dumps you back to the title screen, suggesting you try online mode.