Tuesday, September 13, 2022

NekoPara: Volumes 0 through 4, and the Anime


NekoPara is an IP that started as a visual novel series, blew up with merchandise, and eventually got an anime adaptation.  I've been following NekoPara for years.  It is incredibly rare for a hentai series to become this popular, but the cast of characters is incredibly lovable.

NekoPara is first and foremost, a series of visual novel hentai directed at adult men.  Despite how cutesy the characters look, this series is NOT FOR CHILDREN.  The protagonist has intercourse with every single catgirl at some point, usually 2 at a time.  Even with the edited versions, there are still strong sexual themes.

That out of the way, I love this series.  I have every visual novel, the anime on DVD, and my own tasteful Cinnamon figurine!

In addition to Kashou (the protagonist) falling in love with the catgirls, each volume of the visual novels focuses on 2 catgirls facing challenges and developing their characters.  Volume 1 is Chocola and Vanilla earning their licenses and working their first jobs, and wooing Kashou.  Volume 2 is Azuki and Coconut resolving their disputes with each other to become closer, and wooing Kashou.  Volume 3 is Maple and Cinnamon pursuing stardom together, and wooing Kashou.  And volume 4 is when Kashou has daddy issues, gets chased to France by his incestuous little sister, and I dunno, but then comes home to his catgirls and bakes a cake for his mom or something.

The anime that came out in 2020 is the same cast, but doesn't quite follow the visual novels it's based off of.  It's a light-hearted slice of life anime, with a beach episode and everything, and the inclusion of a new character, Cacao.  Cacao is a kitten who doesn't talk much and wanders off, hijinks ensue.  There's no sex in the anime at all, but there's a little adult humor.  I still don't think it's for kids.  Some of the episodes steal ideas from the visual novels, but overall, it's not the same continuity, like an alternate universe with a lot less sex in it.

I love this series and would recommend it to any openminded adult who wants some story with their hentai.  The anime is a nice addition to the franchise, as long as you don't ask too many questions.  Questions like: do catgirls have voting rights? don't get answered.

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