Saturday, May 11, 2024

My Time at Portia Review

Since I've had such a good time playing Palia, I've been interested in similar single player experiences.  My Time at Portia has been on my radar for a while.  Recently, it came up on a really good sale, so I picked it up, and after 3 hours of gameplay, I'm really pleased so far.  The art style takes some getting used to, but I still recommend it.

The character creation options are decent.  You can't change your body type, but skin tones and hair color can be altered with a color wheel, so you can literally be blue if you want.  There's only 2 genders, but most of the time you're referred to as "the builder" in the game.  You start out with a yellow tee shirt and blue jeans, but can craft or buy other clothing pieces in the game.  I haven't found a pair of glasses yet, that's my only gripe so far.

You start out by riding a boat to Portia.  After you get dropped off, a NPC introduces himself, I think it was Presley.  He has all your tutorial quests for the first part.  You pick things up off the ground, like rocks, sticks, and herbs, and at your "father's" workshop, you can turn them into tools and start your foraging and crafting journey.  After finishing the tutorial, you meet the mayor, who informs you of the Sunday night chats in the Peach Square.

Since I was enjoying myself, running around gathering shit and talking to villagers, I decided it was worth it to buy a cosmetic bundle or two.  I got the game on a killer sale, and the cosmetic bundles were on sale too, so why not?  I've spent 11$ on this game in total, and have tons to play with.  The cosmetic outfits are sold in bundles, and are usually 5$ each, for many outfits, that's an amazing deal.  I've paid much more for much less in other games.  Yes, I'm a sucker for cosmetics.  I know.  But even if the bundles are not on sale 5$ for multiple outfits is a really good deal.  They might have been more expensive when they were new, I dunno.  I'm reviewing this game 6 years late.  But the outfits are cute, fit the world, and there was something purple, so yay.

All in all, I'm really happy with my purchase.  I'll probably get My Time in Sandrock later, after playing this game.  That's the sequel to this one.

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