Tuesday, August 8, 2023

New Cozy MMO, Palia Hype

Palia is a new cozy MMO that looks like it was MADE for me.  There's minimal danger, and maximum puttering around.  I love to putter!  My husband probably won't play this with me, but that's okay.  Maybe I'll get my other friends to play, or make some new friends.  It is currently in closed beta, so I haven't tried it yet, but it will be in open beta in 2 days, as long as there are no delays.  MMO launches are rocky, and beta means it's unfinished, which I take very seriously.  Still, I'm super hyped.

The game will be free to play, with paid cosmetics only.  That's a really good way to monetize a game.  No pay to win, just some fancy outfits to keep the money coming in.  I'm on board with that.

There are 8 skills to level up, cooking, hunting, bug catching, gardening, foraging, fishing, furniture making, and mining.  There are so far 23 villagers to befriend, 9 of which are romanceable.  So far, I only plan to romance the fishing robot, but if one of the other bachelor/bachelorettes catches my eye, I'm open to change my mind.  As mentioned before, there are purchasable outfits, but there's also a large number of free ones that come with the game.  I'm really looking forward to playing with them.

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