Sunday, January 29, 2023

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic is another MMO I spent a great deal of time on.  It first launched in 2011, and my husband and I joined shortly after.  It was the first MMO we tried to replace WoW with.  It's also the only Sci-Fi MMO I reached end game in.

It's a good solid game, with lots of old Bioware polish and storytelling, complete with NPC romance options for every class.

Character design options were pretty decent.  Humans, human cyborgs, and some alien races, but no androids.  There were 2 genders, 4 body types for each gender, and racial details were focused on the heads.  I was particularly pleased that you could be a plus sized man or woman, although the plus sized woman wasn't THAT overweight, but it was better than being a twig.

My main character, that I leveled to 50 (the cap at launch) was a cyborg trooper named Jouselle.  I was very pleased with her, she was beautiful, powerful, and got the guy in the end.

However, the game wasn't terribly MMO-y.  It felt very much like a single player game, with lots of single player instances in the leveling process, and very little need to party up.  Even though my husband and I leveled together, we were apart for half the content.  Not having needed a guild or made any friends, we didn't see much reason to stay.  Was it a fun experience?  Yes, but not with the staying power of most MMOs.  I stayed a bit longer than my husband to hang out with some roleplayers, but roleplaying is hardly utilizing the game itself.  Good experience, not a lasting MMO.  I haven't played in years, so this may have changed, but I have no interest in going back.  Checking the Wiki, there are several expansions to enjoy, so if you enjoy the base game, go to town.  But don't expect to make many friends a long the way, it's a largely single player experience.

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