Sunday, January 29, 2023

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, seasons 1 and 2


The My Little Pony intellectual property has been going on for 40 years, it's first generation coming out while I was a child.  Because of my childhood familiarity, I was well inclined to try out My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, when it launched in 2010.  It was VERY visually appealing to me, with the cute small ponies with enormous eyes that came in many colors.

The show was worth every bit of hype it got.  The first two episodes were an epic two part story about how everything began.  The following episodes were sweet one shots.  The characters were each well written, distinct, and relatable.  And the finale of season 1 wrapped up things that happened in earlier episodes for a fantastic musical finale.

Season 2 opened with a big two part story as well, introducing what became a fan favorite villain.  The episodes in between continued to build characters and flesh out the world of Equestria, and it ended with one of my favorite two part stories, A Canterlot Wedding.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic is another MMO I spent a great deal of time on.  It first launched in 2011, and my husband and I joined shortly after.  It was the first MMO we tried to replace WoW with.  It's also the only Sci-Fi MMO I reached end game in.

It's a good solid game, with lots of old Bioware polish and storytelling, complete with NPC romance options for every class.

Character design options were pretty decent.  Humans, human cyborgs, and some alien races, but no androids.  There were 2 genders, 4 body types for each gender, and racial details were focused on the heads.  I was particularly pleased that you could be a plus sized man or woman, although the plus sized woman wasn't THAT overweight, but it was better than being a twig.

My main character, that I leveled to 50 (the cap at launch) was a cyborg trooper named Jouselle.  I was very pleased with her, she was beautiful, powerful, and got the guy in the end.