Sunday, September 10, 2023

Palia's First Event! Maji Night Market

We're about 2 weeks into Palia's first event, the Maji Night Market.  I'm not gonna lie, I was a little unhappy with it the first week, but the second week made an excellent comeback.

The first week wasn't all bad.  There were quests to do with very valuable rewards.  You get your first collectible plush by completing the 3 part quest chain.  There's a quest from Kenli to attend the market, a quest from Kenyatta to stir up trouble, and a quest from Eshe to fix it.  In the end, I had some food, some gold, and my first plush.

Collecting plushes is the biggest long term feature of the festival.  You can buy a couple with gold, gain one from completing the quests, and earn the rest by participating in the only minigame at the festival, called the Chapaa Chase.  When midnight strikes, the chapaas get loose from the petting zoo and run wild everywhere.  The minigame is to chase them, catch them, and put them back in the pen.  The first week, the only scoring you could do was 10 tickets per chapaa captured, and there weren't very many chapaas to go around.  So, the fastest players got all the chapaas, and everyone else was empty handed and upset.  Fortunately, they made some modifications the second week to save this event from disaster.