Saturday, December 4, 2021

Lucky Star (anime)

Lucky Star started out as a comic strip manga my Kagomi Yoshimizu in 2003, and was adapted to an anime in 2007, which was released in the West by Bandai Entertainment, then again by Funimation.  More mangas and light novels are still being written in this series to this day, but I'm reviewing the 24 episode anime that was released in 2007.

Lucky Star was groundbreaking in showing how incredibly entertaining the mundane could be.  There is no epic saga, just anime schoolgirls doing schoolgirl things.  They go to school, do homework, watch anime, get sick, get better, argue, go on vacation, all the little things we took for granted before the Pandemic.

This anime set the stage for dozens of moe, slice of life anime for years to come.  It it thanks to Lucky Star that we have hundreds of other anime showcasing the day to day lives of schoolgirls, office workers, monsters, mermaids, all sorts of people.  It's fascinating, and comforting, and relatable.